Sony’s big announcement

Big shock that the PS4 was announced.  I have always been a loyal Sony fan and this machine will hopefully be no different.  After the continue check out some awesome features.

Overall it is of course too soon to choose the best system but here are some of the key points I got out of the announcement.

With 8 processors and 8GB of ram…plus some of the architecture from the Gaikai game streaming architecture (world record attaining and the future of gaming in my humble opinion)…This machine sounds awesome (didn’t actually get to see what it looks like and the stats compared to real world performance is my worry for this beast)
Here are some notables about the system:
•Share button on the dual shock 4 controller that allows you to share photos and videos in the fly. Also the biggest is their deal with letting you set up streaming!!! This lets you not only broadcast, but people can leave comments well. In addition this technology allows you to ask friends for help..and no that doesn’t just mean coop. For example you are having a tough time with particular can ask a friend to play as you from the comfort of their couch!
•Other big additions to the dual shock 4 are built in speaker, headphone jack and touch pad similar to the rear one on the Vita.
•Led bar on the controller that not only identities the player by colour, but is also used with the new PlayStation eye
•Speaking of PlayStation eye it now has 2 cameras and 4 microphones (for more real world interactions)
•It well support 4k technology (only movies…not sure about games..they have not commented on that question yet)

Now onto the big games surprises:
•Bungie is on board to make some exclusive titles. Their new title Destiny is up in the air for me…need to know more before I pass judgment as it looks like another first person shooter
•Blizzard is bringing Diablo 3 to PS3 as well as 4
•Infamous : Second Son
•Drive Club. The most realistic looking cars I have ever seen. A group based racing game. Looks interesting
• The Knack (developed by the lead designer of the PS4) looks like it could be the Mario/Sonic/Crash of the PS4. It send to be a combination of crash bandicoot, Katamari and God of War (the creator of knacks words not mine)

Now I am not saying that the othergames shown by Square Enix,Capcom, Guerrilla etc…just didn’t jump of the screen at me.

Here is hoping that there isn’t long before more updates and maybe official pictures of the console itself

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About The_Kid

Is co-owner of Mfn Gaming. I have been an avid gamer since 1976 enjoy make a fool of myself showing off my adequate gaming skills. I also have been in over 20 Beta tests (everything from Axis & Allies to Uncharted 3). Favourite Genres are: RPGs, Racing, Platformers....and Shooters I'm good at!!

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